Member Satisfaction Survey Results Show Strong Momentum for GBA

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The GBA is extremely proud to share the top-line results of our first annual Member Value & Satisfaction Survey. With a response rate of 62 percent from across all regions and institution sizes, members gave an overall satisfaction score of 4.5 on a scale of 1 (very unsatisfied) to 5 (very satisfied) with the quality of our services. On the likelihood of recommending GBA to other financial services providers, we scored 4.8 on a 5-point scale. The majority of our members – 77 percent – believe they get just the right value for their membership fees or value far beyond the fees they pay.

The survey confirmed the effectiveness of the GBA model: the give and the get within the membership. Half of the members that responded to the survey contributed their expertise to the network in 2017 – whether through being a mentor to others, an Expert in our All-Stars Academy, a contributor to our Working Group webinars, or hosting our Summit or our Study Tours. A whopping  96 percent said they would like the opportunity to do so in the future. To our delight, 54 percent of members reported interacting with other members outside of GBA program, indicating the maturing of bilateral relationships within the Alliance and boding well for our sustainability.

Eighty-one percent of GBA members expect to participate in two to three GBA programs in 2018. While members reported that the balance of in-person vs. virtual interactions is about right, it is clear that budget constraints limit some members, and to achieve greater scale more virtual interactions are necessary.

In terms of impact, the survey helped to substantiate the effectiveness of GBA’s learning model: 42 percent of members reported moving from “early” stage of their Women’s Market program to the “intermediate” stage since joining GBA, 8 percent reported moving from “early” to “advanced,” while another 8 percent said they moved from “intermediate” to “advanced.”

Members reported that the GBA’s peer learning programs deliver strong insights and value to their ability to advance their Women’s Market programs – particularly the All-Stars Academies and Annual Summit. Sample remarks from the survey :

“[These programs are] a great eye opener to the potential for this segment/market and an opportunity to exchange ideas with other practitioners,” one member said.

“[The All-Stars Academy was] extremely helpful because we were able to see just how profitable the Women’s Market can be from other countries that have proven its growth,” noted another member.

Members gave the thumbs up to our three main programmatic areas – providing access to knowledge and best practices, opportunities for networking and peer learning, as well as access to the Women’s Market data analytics platform – as the most effective ways GBA can help them to continue to successfully target the Women’s Market. These results will help us improve and expand our services, provide us with an important baseline to establish our impact, and provide helpful insights to GBA’s 2019-2021 strategy currently being developed with the support of McKinsey & Company.

We are deeply grateful to all our members who responded to this survey, over 50 percent of whom did so on a consultative basis with others in their organizations who had interacted with GBA.