Join Us

        The Alliance

The Financial Alliance for Women is the preeminent global membership association for financial services institutions serving the Female Economy. By joining the Alliance, financial services providers become part of a unique international network of market-leading institutions, with access to expertise, best practices, resources, and peer learning that will enable them to build holistic Women’s Markets programs and tap into the massive opportunity in the Female Economy.

The Alliance Membership Value Proposition

By joining the Alliance, financial services providers become part of a global community of practice on designing and implementing gender-intelligent business strategies for the full economic inclusion of women—business strategies that also can lead to significant new revenue streams. Members also give back to the community of practice, paying it forward by lending their expertise and knowledge to others on the Women’s Markets journey, ultimately helping to drive women’s financial inclusion on a global level.

Membership allows you to:  

  • Connect, learn, and share experiences with other institutions through Alliance Peer Learning programming
  • Gain access to proprietary thought leadership and strategies to enhance members’ Women’s Markets opportunities.
  • Benchmark against other members’ best practices.
  • Participate in Mentoring Program 
  • Participate in high-profile international initiatives, such as partnerships with Data2X and WE Code
  • Boost brand, reputation, and market positioning as leaders in gender-inclusive finance and women’s economic empowerment.

As members, we ask you to: 

  • Commit to conducting a feasibility study on Women’s Markets opportunities within 12 months of joining the Alliance
  •  Report sex-disaggregated data to the Alliance within 24 months of joining
  • Participate in our annual SummitAll-Stars AcademiesAsk the Expert and working groups as subject matter experts
  • Contribute knowledge and experience to Alliance knowledge products, analytics, and research
  • Participate in Mentoring Program 
  • Host study tours and other peer learning activities
  • Promote our work at national and international forums
  • Join our board, subject to availability

Pay annual dues: view the current dues schedule here

How to join

Institutions interested in membership must submit an application signed by a senior executive, accompanied by a completed data form.

Download application:

Please submit the forms to:

Note that application submission does not guarantee membership, and applicants may be asked to provide additional supporting documentation. 

Additional information for bilateral and multilateral organizations

Our peer learning services, research, and practical tools provide a unique complement to the incentives and technical assistance provided by multilaterals for financial institutions to encourage a stronger focus on women’s financial inclusion. We deliver practitioner-based, commercially viable approaches that can amplify the impact of your efforts. To invite a member of your organization’s network to get involved with us, please contact us at

What Members Say