The FINANCIAL—The United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) and the UN Global Compact (UNGC) on March 8 called on the business community to implement recruitment and retention practices that advance women’s empowerment and inclusion and urged them to proactively appoint women as managers, executives and board members.
The call for action is part of the Women’s Empowerment Principles-Equality Means Business, seven steps for companies to take to empower women in the workplace
On 9 March 2010, the UNIFEM/UNGC-organized Equality Means Business conference in New York City will bring together an international group of business leaders, and key stakeholders from civil society, academia and the UN. The meeting, supported by the Government of Finland and the private sector company Symantec Corporation, will explore how the Principles can be implemented to change corporate culture and attitudes towards gender equality and inclusion; improve workplace practices to empower women; reform supply chain policies to open opportunities for women; and how to measure progress through transparent reporting. Read more