Summit 2023

About the Annual Summit 2023

The Annual Summit is the Alliance’s flagship event and one of the world’s foremost knowledge exchanges that focuses on what institutions can do to champion the female economy. At the Summit, participants learn directly from practitioners and subject matter experts, share best practices on how to tap the female economy, and discuss the latest innovations and approaches that are having a real impact on women and on the companies that serve them.

The Summit is attended by commercial banks, fintechs, insurance companies, payment companies, investors, VCs, asset managers, telcos, as well as thought leaders, policymakers and development finance specialists.

The Annual Summit 2023 was held in-person, in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, on November 8 and 9, hosted by Banco BHD.

The 2-day event included thought provoking discussions, new know-how, and engaging, interactive sessions. The 2023 Summit explored topics that are critical to enable inclusive growth for women and build sustainable economies.

The opening segment was dedicated to the launch of the Code in the DR. The segment hosted key leaders from the DR scene, including the President of the Dominican Republic, representatives from the public sector as well as other private sector players who have signed up for the Code. The segment also included key international stakeholders leading the work on the Code.

The second half of the first day was dedicated to exploring key areas for building the CVP for women. In the early evening of day 1, Summit guests had the unique opportunity to attend Banco BHD’s Premio Mujeres que Cambian el Mundo (Women Who Change the World) annual Awards ceremony.

The second day kicked-off with the hot topic of Climate Action and Women’s Markets followed by crowd favorites, the Hack finalists and winners announcements as well as the Champions of the Female Economy Awards.

In the afternoon, a teach-in workshop was held in collaboration with the We-Fi around the Investing in Women Code Playbook.

An optional tour of the old city was available to guests at their own expense.