Westpac Study Tour: Registration Closes Monday

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The deadline to register for the April 30-May 1 Study Tour to GBA founding member Westpac’s Sydney headquarters is this Monday, April 9. Secure your spot before registration closes.

Westpac has been a Women’s Market best practice bank for over 20 years, pioneering successful strategies that offer women the holistic combination of access to finance, information, education, networks and recognition they need.

During this Study Tour, attendees will meet key team members responsible for implementing Westpac’s Women’s Markets program and have the opportunity to discuss experiences, obstacles encountered and lessons learned with some of the best Women’s Market practitioners in the business.

GBA members can register for the Study Tour by filling out our online form. Non-members who are interested in attending should reach out to Vanessa Van Landingham at vanessa.vanlandingham@gbaforwomen.org.

Westpac Study Tour Flier Thumbnail 2018

Click the thumbnail for more information