FMO Event: The Power of Partnerships – Making Finance Work for Women Entrepreneurs

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Be part of FMO’s agenda-setting event on how we can make finance work toward achieving gender equality. Women entrepreneurs from emerging markets, financial institutions from both emerging and established markets, and women business networks and organizations will all come together to bring this event to the next level. The event will explore gender sensitive and innovative approaches on both the supply and demand side: building women’s leadership in business, creating gender-smart financial and non-financial services, and ensuring gender equality in financial data. Her Majesty Queen Máxima of the Netherlands is the UN Secretary-General’s Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development and will be one of the keynote speakers.

For more information about the program, partners and keynote speakers, please visit:

Date and time: 12 March 2018 – Registration starting at 8.30, opening at 9.15

Location: KIT Royal Tropical Institute, Mauritskade 64, Amsterdam

Costs: The conference fee is € 199 (excluding 21 % VAT) per participant

Registration: if you would like to participate in this event, please email

Organizing parties: KIT Royal Tropical Institute; FMO Entrepreneurial Development Bank; Better Future; Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands