Michelle Miranda

Business Segment Specialist and Women’s Program Leader, Banco Nacional Costa Rica, Costa Rica

Graduate in business administration, and as a mentor in personal leadership, with 16 years career in Banking, Michelle is responsible for designing and implementing the strategy and programs focused in micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), specialized in value-added initiatives for women market, developing women-center sustainable actions to encourage women to reach financial independence and improving their wellness according to contribute to gender equality. During these years Michelle has specialized in diversity and inclusion from an intersectional approach, as Business Segment Specialist at Banco Nacional de Costa Rica, she leads the planning and development of commercial strategies aimed at micro, small and medium-sized businesses, as well as of the prominent and internationally recognized BN Mujer Program, where for more than 6 years she has accompanied and promoted the development and financial inclusion of thousands of women in Costa Rica, through affirmative actions with a gender perspective. Michelle has gained significant knowledge and experience in the development of marketing and advertising campaigns, the ecosystem of electronic payment methods, and development of the offer of financial products and services, value offering, approach and relationship with customers, loyalty and fidelity programs, focused on customer experience. Also leading the training of leaders and sales forces throughout the organization in attention to women and gender equality. Michelle has promoted excellent relationships with clients and suppliers, alliances with Development Banks, international organizations, government institutions, companies, and foundations, to work together on the development, well-being and financial inclusion of women, achieving an impact on the chain of value and promoting alignment in companies to reach equity.