Fahria Huque

Head of Citygem Priority and City Alo Women Banking, City Bank, Bangladesh.

Ms. Fahria Huque is an experienced retail banker with over 21 years of experience in the banking industry. She started her career in HSBC Bank in 2002 and was there till 2011 where she used to cater the HNI segment of HSBC, “HSBC Premier” as the Head of the proposition.

Ms. Fahria joined City Bank back in 2013 as the Center Manager of City Bank’s priority banking division, “Citygem Priority Banking”. Under her leadership, City Bank was awarded the ‘Best Bank for Premium Services in Bangladesh’ for 2018 & 2019 consecutively by Asiamoney, a leading financial publication in Asia-Pacific region. Citygem has created a benchmark in the industry as the best premium banking amongst customers in Bangladesh in terms of products & proposition.

She joined as the Head of our Women’s Market program – City Alo Women – Banking on July, 2024 and is now double hatting as the Head of both the priority banking division & women banking division of City Bank.