We leverage our collective voice to advocate for desired policy change. Our impact can be seen in the success of the women customers our members have supported.
In 2014, the Financial Alliance for Women, Data2X and the IDB joined forces in the Women’s Financial Inclusion Data (WFID) partnership. The IFC, the World Bank Group, IDB Invest, the IMF and AFI joined the partnership in 2016, followed by the OECD, UNCDF, and EBRD. The WFID partnership seeks to increase awareness across ecosystem actors about the critical need for more and better sex-disaggregated data for women’s financial inclusion, publishing multiple reports making the case for this data, mapping the main challenges, offering solutions to overcome them and seeking to spur action on its collection and use. The most recent of these is “The Gender Data Playbook for Women’s Financial Inclusion”
At the 2018 Annual Summit hosted by NatWest in London, the topic of data as a tool to drive accountability in the sector was brought to the All Party Parliamentary Committee on Women and Enterprise. This ultimately evolved to become the UK’s Investing In Women Code anchored by NatWest in collaboration with BEIS and the UK government. In 2019, this was shared with the World Bank’s WE-FI initiative who in 2022 conducted a feasibility study into taking this global. In 2023 the Alliance is developing guidelines for WE-FI to support their multilateral development bank partners with guidelines to implement the WE Finance Code in other countries.
The Alliance also acts as a probono strategic advisor to various industry bodies including CGAP, UNSGSA, UNEP, Rwanda and Singapore Fintech Festivals, W20 among others.
Beyond this work, our impact can be seen in the success of the women customers our members have supported. These are some of their stories.