UT Bank launches Akoma Women’s Market program

2 Minutes Read

ut-bankOn the eve of the Global Women’s Entrepreurship Day, UT BANK launches “Akoma”. Women need to be appreciated. They seek trusted sources of information to help them make important decisions about today and the future. They need the ability to network with the right calibre of people for the everyday situations they find themselves confronted with. They are inspired by the untold everyday success stories of the average woman.

Akoma is the platform inspired by UT Bank for likeminded women to give them information, help them network, share ideas and be motivated for success.

The platform gives women the opportunity to Connect with peers and leaders alike to learn from each other.

It enables women to Engage and be provided with tools to support and grow their person, family, businesses and every other aspect of their lives.

It provides the opportunity for women to Inspire one another with relevant experiences and insight to enhance their total wellbeing. It is the place where real empowerment can take place.

UT Bank has been serving the SME market over the years, constantly evolving to provide innovative solutions to meet changing needs of the informal sector. Women-owned businesses represent a large underserved market. Over the years, we have realised that women’s needs extend beyond financial expectations. Akoma gives UT Bank the opportunity to meet these needs more comprehensively.

What is Akoma?

Simply put, THE HEART.

Just as the heart pumps oxygenated blood and nutrients for the body to function excellently, Women are the center of society and pumps life into families, businesses and every core fabric of the society.

An Akoma Woman is a transformed woman, the precursor to a transformed society.

UT Bank invites all women to start a conversation by signing onto the Akoma platform on www.akomalink.com or by joining a learning community throughout the country.


UT Bank Ghana Limited, commenced business as a finance house in 1997. It evolved from a lending company to a publicly owned Universal Bank, with shares listed and actively traded on the Ghana Stock Exchange. It was awarded Bank of the Year 2011 and Most Respected Company in 2012.

UT Bank has positioned itself as the leading bank in SME banking and seeks to change the face of banking in Ghana through fast, efficient and respectful delivery of service, maintaining its key mandate of providing ‘a loan in less than 48 hours’. It is one of the fastest growing banks in Ghana, providing innovative customer-oriented products with focus on SMEs.