Letter from Inez: October 2018

2 Minutes Read

The final Communiqué of the W20 was handed to the President of Argentina last week in Buenos Aires, marking the culmination of GBA’s work as Co-Chair of the 2018 W20 Financial Inclusion Working Group, along with the Alliance for Financial Inclusion. Our involvement with W20 goes back to its inception led by KAGİDER, the eminent association of women business owners in Turkey in 2015, and we will continue our work when Japan takes on the G20 presidency in 2019. While our policy and advocacy efforts are by no means the core of GBA’s work, it is important that the pragmatic voice of the private sector is brought to the table, and we will carry this charge to the opening day of our 2018 Summit next month in Jordan.

While the Middle East and North Africa is the region that has the largest financial inclusion gender gap of any in the world, it also boasts some of the most progressive policymakers – providing the perfect backdrop to unpack this year’s Summit theme on the Future of Financial Services for Women.

The Summit will kick off with examples of ecosystem plays that cater to the lifecycle needs of women, and will then explore what it will be like to be a customer of financial services in 2030 and unpack how financial services providers can build a truly personalized offer in the digital age. We will also share solutions to perennial issues such as how organizational culture — mindsets and norms — can be shifted to be more supportive of women and girls, and how to scale up non-financial services using technology. To members who have not already registered and to non-member financial services providers who are serious about serving the Women’s Market, please get in touch with us to register now, as spaces are filling up.

This month we are also proud to showcase the work that GBA member Banistmo is doing to support women entrepreneurs in Panama, and we look forward to seeing old friends and welcoming many new ones next month as we truly gain momentum in these exciting times for the financial services sector.

See you at the Summit.


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